Friday, July 16, 2010

Open Letter to Carleton University Administration

On June 24th 2010, the Ottawa Citizen published a story in which President Roseanne O’Reilly Runte was quoted as supporting the return of a football team to Carleton University’s campus. According to this article, Carleton is bringing back a football team in 2012 because people on campus demanded it and President Runte wants to 'listen to the Carleton community'. The reasoning behind establishing a football team at Carleton is deeply upsetting and insulting. The Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre opposes this latest news. We have been told by President Runte and management at Equity Services that "Students can't just get something because they asked for it".

The Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Center was formed in the fall of 2007 in the hopes of creating a student-run, university funded sexual assault centre on campus. In early 2008, we held a referendum on campus where over 80% of students supported the creation of a student-run, university funded sexual assault centre.

Carleton’s current president has witnessed support for this centre via letters, faxes, and emails from organizations across Canada. The Coalition held various poster campaigns, a rally and a Task Force on Gender-Based Violence; we have petitioned, sent her letters and have even met with her and her staff.

We have been given a myriad of excuses for not creating a student-run centre, including a lack of funds and the fact that our referendum question was held before her tenure as President.

It is obvious that there is much more at play here. Why do we listen to people who want football teams and not to students who need a sexual assault centre? We demand that Carleton University demonstrate accountability to all of its students, including survivors of sexual assault.

The current situation is completely unacceptable given that the upper administration insists Carleton is experiencing a financial crunch prohibiting this institution from finding funds to send graduate students to present at conferences, or to create proper study spaces for undergraduate students on campus. Indeed, upper management says that money is so tight at Carleton that decisions have been made to fire support staff to make ends meet. If we are so strapped for money, why would we accept and solicit donations to create a football team when people’s jobs are at stake and basic academic needs are lacking?

We demand that Carleton administration show respect for students and the Carleton community by being completely transparent with the information and decisions regarding its finances. Surely, the generous Carleton alumni donors are ultimately interested in ensuring that Carleton University remains a place where higher learning and research are top priority. A sexual assault support centre is part of that mandate since it is a critical step towards ensuring that Carleton students study, learn, and research in a safe and secure space. We ask our Carleton alumni to support us by not donating to Carleton until the centre is a reality at this university.

In addition we would like to highlight that women are being turned away from the Ottawa Civic Hospital due to a shortage of specialized nurses who work specifically with sexual assault survivors. If this is not alarming to the university then the issue of eight women being assaulted per day in Ottawa should raise alarms ("Hidden from Sight," Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women). If Carleton University cared about its students they would do all in their power to assist them in establishing a sexual assault support centre. Access to adequate services is key to academic success. At the moment, Health and Counseling Services are overwhelmed with daily requests for assistance. Establishing a sexual assault support centre would assist in showing students that Carleton University cares and supports students who are survivors of violence.

As there are over 22,000 people including students, staff and faculty who access services on Carleton’s campus we are hopeful that the university and alumni allies will take this into consideration when weighing the need for leisure activities verses essential services. We, the Coalition, see the necessities of having accessible services in order to ensure our campus is safer.

To sign on to this letter, please contact the Coalition at


- The Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre

- Advocacy Committee, Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW)
- Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres (CASAC)
- Carleton University Young Liberals
- Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA)--Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), Local 1
- CUPE 4600, Carleton University
- Fédération Étudiante de l’Université d’Ottawa / Student Federation of the University of Ottawa--FCÉÉ, Section 41 / CFS, Local 41
- The Garden Spot (Carleton Food Collective)
- Graduate Students' Association (GSA), Carleton University--CFS, Local 78
- InSol: Womyn of Colour Collective (OPIRG-Carleton Working Group)
- Native Youth Sexual Health Network
- Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)--Carleton
- Women's Resource Centre, Student Federation of the University of Ottawa
- Women's Studies Student Association (WSSA), University of Ottawa

- Mariful Alam
- Elizabeth Aldrich, 4th year Psychology student and varsity athlete, Carleton University; Support Worker, Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa (SASC)
- Laura Allardyce, BA (Hons), Carleton University, 2010
- Luanne (McGill) Ashe, BA Mus, Acadia University, 1983; BEd (Mus.Cert.), Dalhousie University, 1989; musician and educator
- Shushan Araya
- Kate Chinwe Ayalogu, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; BA, Global Politics, Carleton University; OPIRG Board of Directors; Aramark Support Campaign
- Yonique Barnett, Carleton University student
- Nancy Baroni, Project Coordinator / Coordinatrice de projets, Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) / L'alliance féministe pour l'action internationale (AFAI)
- Roisin Beck, Carleton University student, MA candidate
- Chris Bisson, Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG)
- Diane Blackburn, Royal Lepage
- Michelle Blackburn, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Georgeanne Blue, Coordinator, Women's Resource Centre (Student Federation of the University of Ottawa)
- Brittney Anne Bos, BA (Hons), MA, Carleton University
- Laura Boyaner
- Charlotte Bradley
- James Braun, MA Candidate
- Mathieu Brûlé, Doctoral student (History), York University
- Jason Buck
- Erica Carson
- Gisell Castillo, MA, Carleton University
- Frederique Chabot, Women and HIV/AIDS Community Development Coordinator
- Ione Challborn, Executive Director, Canadian Mental Health Association, Edmonton Region
- Margot Challborn, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Renee Chan
- Meera Chander, VP Finance, Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA)
- Gracie Chapman, 4th year Criminology and Criminal Justice student, Carleton University
- Craig Chartrand, RRT
- Renuka Chaturvedi, PhD, ABD, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University
- Adam Chen, Carleton University student
- Marie-Michèle Chezzi
- Norma Christie, Women for Justice (Fredericton, NB)
- Michèle Clermont
- Valerie Collicott, Advocacy Committee Co-chair, Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW); Policy and Administrative Coordinator, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
- Maureen Collins, Edmonton John Howard Society
- Laura Constantinescu
- Ron Couchman, 4th year undergraduate student, Carleton University
- Andree Crawford, Carleton alumnus
- Erin Cummings, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; 4th year Anthropology student, Carleton University
- Heather Cuthbert
- Emerich Daroya
- Ricardo Da Silva, Carleton University student
- Alice Dean
- Keara Dean, Support Worker, Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa (SASC); Saint Mary's University alumnus
- Ana Carolina Delage
- Mallory Delarge, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; BA (Hons), Carleton University, 2010
- Vladimir Aleman Delfs, former Carleton University student
- Jeremy Dias, Founder and Executive Director, Jer's Vision: Canada's Youth Diversity Initiative
- Jake Dole, MA (Film Studies), Carleton University
- Jeanette Doucet, BA St Mary's University, 1993
- Martin Dufresne, Secretary, Montreal Men Against Sexism
- Kaitlyn Duthie
- Delroy Dyer
- Amelia Edwards, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Heather M. Elliott
- Jennifer V. Evans, Associate Professor, Carleton University
- Charli F.
- Nadia Fezzani, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Elana Finestone, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Cheyenne Fleet, Public Affairs and Policy Management (Development Studies) student, Carleton University; Coordinator, Aramark Workers Support Committee
- Brittan Florczyk, Community Member, Aramark Workers Support Campaign
- Lorraine Francisco
- Josh Frappier
- Denis Gagné, Carleton University alumnus, 2008
- Stéfanie Gentil, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Patrizia Gentile, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; Assistant Professor, Carleton University
- Sylvie Gervais-Leduc, MCC, CEC - Laurentian University, 1986 - The Art of Excellence
- Kristen Gilchrist, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Hélène Godin, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- JoAnne Gordon, Coordinator, Women's Resource Centre (Student Federation of the University of Ottawa); Support Worker, Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa (SASC); Vice President Internal, Women’s Studies Student Association, University of Ottawa
- Amanda Graham
- Anna Greczmiel, Carleton University alumnus
- Rene Guardado
- Tara-Lynn Guenette, Carleton University alumnus, 2008
- Sarah Jane Hamilton, Carleton University student
- Amy Hammett
- Kristen Hatz, BA (Hons), Psychology, Carleton University, 2009
- Susan Havart
- Johanna Hove, Carleton University student
- Sandy Hudson, Chairperson, Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario
- Ashley Hunkin, BA, Women's Studies, Carleton University; Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA) Womyn's Centre Programming Coordinator, 2006-2007; CUSA Vice President-Student Services, 2007-2008
- Christel Hyshka, Carleton University alumnus
- Dr. Dan Irving, Assistant Professor, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Carleton University
- Nikki Ives-Allison
- Michelle Jackson-Brown, Social Service Worker; BHum, Carleton University, 2003; Carleton University Social Work student
- Karene Josephs
- Zaheen Karim, Carleton University alumnus, 2006
- Christine Kelly
- Erin Kelly, BA, BEd, Laurentian University
- Jayda Kelsall
- Jason Knapp, Host of Special Blends on CKCU 93.1 FM, Ottawa
- Ihor Korbabicz, President, Carleton University Young Liberals
- Lana Kouchnir
- Zlata Kovaltchouk
- Lee Lakeman, British Columbia and Yukon Regional Representative, Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres (CASAC)
- Julie Lalonde, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre co-founder; BA (Hons), Carleton University, 2007
- Tim Lalonde, Director of IT, Manitoulin Group of Companies, father of Carleton student and concerned citizen
- Samantha LaRue
- Leanne, Oxfam Canada Carleton Club
- Polly Leonard, University of Toronto alumnus; Carleton University student
- Rachel Levasseur
- Sarah Livermore, BA (Hons), MA: Legal Studies Candidate, Carleton University
- Amanda Lunan
- Erin Seatter, MA, Carleton University
- Tara Lyons, PhD Candidate (ABD), Carleton University
- Janelle MacDonald, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Jenna MacKay, MA Candidate, Carleton University
- Megan Mackenzie
- Tina Mackey
- Anjali Majmudar
- Gerry Martin
- Heather M. Martin, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; BA (Hons), Carleton University, 2010; MA Candidate, University of Ottawa
- Marilyn A. Martin
- Nicole Matte, Coordinator, Women's Resource Centre (Student Federation of the University of Ottawa)
- Corinne Mason, PhD Candidate, University of Ottawa
- Sarah McCue, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; Carleton University student and varsity athlete
- Rebecca McDonald
- James Meades, Co-President, CUPE 4600, Carleton University
- Shelley Melanson, Deputy Chair, Canadian Federation of Students
- Leila Mian
- Katherine Miceli
- Samantha Mitchell
- Courtney Moore
- Malorie Moore
- Jeffrey Monaghan, MA (Legal Studies), Carleton University
- Christine Moncrieff, Vice President Activism, Women's Studies Student Association (WSSA), University of Ottawa; Social Science Representative, Board of Administration, University of Ottawa; Campaigns Organizer, Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO)
- Yamikani Msosa, Carleton University student
- Concillia Muonde, Public Education Coordinator, Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa
- Dan Murphy, Carleton University student
- Leila Navabzadeh, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; 4th year undergraduate student, Carleton University
- Dr. Jane Nicholas, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Lakehead University
- Marcus Niekarszewicz, BEng
- Howard Needham
- Mat Nelson, Co-President, CUPE 4600, Carleton University
- Ashley Norlock
- Sarah North
- Sarah O'Brien, University of Ottawa alumnus, 2009; Carleton University Library user
- Ikenna Onyegbula, former Carleton University student
- Jill O'Reilly
- Shaughnessy O'Reilly, University of Ottawa student
- Maria-Hélèna Pacelli
- Rachael Pack
- Dr. Justin Paulson, Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University
- Kimalee Phillip, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; President, Graduate Students' Association, Carleton University
- Steffanie Pinch, 3rd year Journalism student, Carleton University
- Kandace Price, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; 4th year undergraduate student, Carleton University
- Catrina Procaccini
- Lara Purvis
- Danielle Quigley, MA, PhD Candidate, Department of Psychology, Carleton University
- Deborah Rachlis, Carleton University alumnus
- Sophie Raniere, Community Outreach Director, Women's Independence Network; 4th year Women's Studies student, University of Ottawa
- L. Pauline Rankin, Associate Professor, Carleton University
- Emily Reynolds, BA, Laurentian University, 2006
- Jodi Richard, BSW, RSW
- Gemma Richardson, BJ, 2004, Carleton University; MA; PhD student, University of Western Ontario
- Andrew Riddles, Web Architect, Computing and Communication Services, Carleton University
- Katrina Riley, BA (Hons), Carleton University, 2010
- Madeline Ritchie
- Jeff Rosien, Algonquin College, 2001
- Dr. Jenny Roth, Assistant Professor, Department of Women's Studies, Lakehead University
- Sreya Roy
- Kelleigh Ryan, Carleton University student and athlete
- Joanne Sass-Williams, Carleton University student, parent of Carleton graduates, prospective alumnus and donor
- Meaghan Savage, 4th year Honours Psychology student, Carleton University
- Jane Scharf
- Andi Schwartz, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; Carleton University undergraduate student
- Dr. Christabelle Sethna, Professor, Institute of Women's Studies/Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa
- Roshanne Shamsi
- Professor Elizabeth Sheehy, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
- Aya Shibahara
- Meghan Simmons
- Ashley Sinnis
- AnaLori Smith, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member
- Aynsley Smith, University of Ottawa alumnus
- Claudette Smith
- Karl Smith
- Lindsay Snow
- Laura Sparling
- Dr. Jessica Squires, PhD (2009, History, Carleton University)
- Mélanie Stafford
- Ashton Starr, Carleton Food Collective
- Donald Swartz, Carleton School of Public Policy and Administration (Retired)
- Emma Tarver
- Shelley D. Taylor, Venus Envy
- Taiva Tegler, University of Ottawa student and support worker with the Sexual Assault Support Centre of Ottawa (SASC)
- Denisse Temin
- Monika Thakker, Carleton University alumnus
- Kaisha Thompson, Carleton University Young Liberals
- Kathryn Trevenen, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
- Shauna Turney
- Rita Valeriano, VP Social, Women's Studies Student Association, University of Ottawa; Employee, Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) Ottawa; intern with local pro-choice organization; Volunteer, Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre (ORCC)
- Zackary Varve, Carleton graduate student and alumnus
- Sam Whittle, Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre member; Programming Coordinator, Carleton GLBTQ Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity
- Colleen P. Wilson
- Owen Windsor-Liscombe
- Seamus Wolfe, Assistant Campaigner, Polaris Institute
- Genevieve Wong
- Kim Wucher
- Jessica Yee, Native Youth Sexual Health Network
- Laura Zahody, 4th year Journalism and English student, Carleton University

Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre
Blog -- Twitter -- Facebook
Support Line: 613-620-1030

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