Monday, January 31, 2011

Because no means no, and yes means yes, yes, yes!!

Hi all!

This message is a reminder that Consent is Sexy Week starts TODAY!! This is a really important week aiming to open up conversations about what 100%, enthusiastic consent means, what it is, why it's essential to sex, and what it looks like, feels like and sounds like. With this week, we hope to give people the skills to feel comfortable and empowered saying yes or no, and to emphasize how important it is to respect everyone's needs and boundaries.

We have a lot of amazing events starting with an Erotic Talk workshop happening tonight at Venus Envy at 7:00pm! (Find the full list of events on our blog HERE or on Facebook HERE) All our events are free, and have ASL interpretation available. Childcare is available for most with 24 hours notice!

For any questions, concerns, comments or media requests please contact us at

In consent and sexiness,
-Consent is Sexy Week Committee

Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre
Blog -- Twitter -- Facebook
Support Line: 613-620-1030

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Date Change: Task Force on Gender-Based Violence

Hi everyone,

We hope you’ve had a chance to look at the schedule for “Consent is Sexy Week”. It’s jam-packed and it's clearly going to be THE place to be!

Due to scheduling conflicts with CUSA's elections, we have re-scheduled the Task Force on Gender-Based Violence to TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH FROM 11:30-2:30PM in the atrium of Carleton's campus (on the Rooster's side). We deeply apologize for the confusion. We're frustrated, too!

For those of you who have never gone to our Task Force before, it's an opportunity for the Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre to work directly with students in making campus a safer place. Carleton is not only where we study but for many of us, it's where we work, live and play, too. We all have a vested interest in making it a safe place.

The Task Force will have a few panellists who will be speaking about the issue and giving some context. Then the floor is open!

The purpose of the Task Force is for students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends to speak on their experiences of gender-based violence and their thoughts on how to move forward. The end result is a report that is made public and presented to Carleton University administration and the media.

Have you experienced violence while at Carleton? Do you know someone who has? Did you come to Carleton as a survivor of sexual violence? Do you see a lack of critical academia in your classrooms on gender-based violence? Are you just interested in finding out more about the issue and how you can get involved?

Then bookmark Tuesday, February 8th.

Facebook Event:!/event.php?eid=149741531746557

For more information about the Task Force or to receive a copy of the last report, please contact

*The event will have trained support workers from the Carleton Sexual Assault Support Line on site. If you’re feeling triggered or are looking for long-term support for either yourself or someone you know, please connect with them*

Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre
Blog -- Twitter -- Facebook
Support Line: 613-620-1030

Monday, January 24, 2011

Consent is Sexy Week! // Semaine consensuelle!

The Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centreand the
Women's Resource Centre of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO)
proudly present:

CONSENT IS SEXY WEEK: January 31st-February 5th, 2011
SEMAINE CONSENSUELLE: du 31 janvier au 5 fevrier, 2011

(How Do YOU Define Consent?)

[Le texte français suit]


Monday Jan.31st, 2011:
Erotic Talk: Talking Dirty for Women / Venus Envy Workshop

Know what you want, but not sure how to get it? Whether you're not sure what words to use, or how to start spilling them out of your mouth, this workshop will give you ideas on how to make talking about sex just as great as doing it.

*snacks will be served
*ASL available

Where? Venus Envy Ottawa, 320 Lisgar Street.

Tuesday Feb. 1st, 2011:
Wanted: Disability Understood as Red Smoking Hot / Loree Erickson

Loree Erickson is a poly queer femmegimp porn star academic doing a PhD at York University. Her work is a synthesis of theoretical engagement and critical artistic creation, both of which are motivated and shaped by personal experience and activist ideals. Loree wants to replace the gawking, gazing, and glaring people with disabilities encounter on a daily basis with beholding, recognizing, and reacting when people with disabilities are red fucking hot!

*snacks will be served
*limited to 30 people, pre-registration required
*ASL available
*childcare available with 24 hours notice, please email

Where? University of Ottawa Club’s Room UCU 030B

Wednesday Feb.2nd, 2011:
Consent, Dissent & Resist: Deconstructing the Consent Discourse/ Panel Discussion

Demonstrating the intersection of campus resistance, feminist academia and pedagogy, HIV disclosure and criminalization, sex workers rights, queer relationships, sexual violence/sexual health from a youth perspective and how all of these issues tie in with consent discourse. Join us in deconstructing the consent discourse!

*light lunch
*ASL available
*childcare available with 24 hours notice

Where? University of Ottawa Club’s Room UCU 030B

Eroticizing Consent/ Andrea Zanin

Andrea Zanin, a.k.a. Sex Geek, pretty much writes and talks about sex all the time unless she’s eating, sleeping or having it. She lives in Toronto and is an organizer, educator and writer within the queer, polyamory and BDSM/leather communities, as well as being an active trans ally. She frequently speaks about alternative sexuality for universities, colleges, sex shops, community groups and conferences in Canada, the States and internationally.

*snacks will be served
*ASL available
*childcare available with 24 hours notice

Where? Carleton University, Leeds room 124.

Thursday Feb.3rd, 2011:
Task Force on Gender Based Violence /


“Eroticizing Consent”, Pride Centre
(en francais)

* snacks will be served
*LSQ available
*childcare available with 24 hours notice

Where? University of Ottawa Clubs Room UCU 030B

Friday Feb.4th, 2011:

Sex Work, Consent & the Pro-Choice Discourse/ POWER Workshop
This workshop will address the issue of consent in the context of sex work through various approaches. Although the discussion will attempt as much as possible to cater to the preferences of the participants, some topics of discussion will include: consent in the contexts of marginalization, criminalization, and stigmatization and the ways in which feminist discourses of sex work as rape influence the prominent ideas around sex work; consent and relationships between escorts and clients; and consent in relationships sex workers have outside of their work lives. Both facilitators are part of the sex worker community and will use both personal experiences and research knowledge as part of the discussion.

* light lunch will be served
*ASL available
*childcare available with 24 hours notice

Where? University of Ottawa Clubs Room UCU 030B

Saturday Feb.5th, 2011:
Getting OFF: Consexual Erotica Night.

Join the Coalition, and the WRC at this amazing sex positive erotic evening of body positive art, erotica readings, feminist Riot Grrl burlesque, sexy drinks, and not to mention...a dance party!

Things to expect at this dance party:
-Sex Positivity
-Body Positivity
-Queer/Trans Friendly
-Anti-O Framework

*this event is accessible!
with DJ Mikkipedia & DJ yalla!yalla!

Where? Club SAW. 67 Nicholas Street, Ottawa
When? Doors at 9pm!
Cost: $10 Suggested Donation/PWYC

*This is a 19+ event, as there will be alcoholic beverages being served (and sexy content ;))


Semaine consensuelle
du 31 janvier au 5 février 2011

Lundi, le 31 janvier 2011 :
19h à 21h
Expressions érotiques: conversations cochonnes pour femmes (Venus Envy)
Vous savez ce que vous voulez, mais n'êtes pas certaines comment l'obtenir? Que vous soyez du genre timide, pas certaine quoi dire, ou si les mots vous restent simplement sur le bout de la langue, cet atelier vous donnera des idées sur des façons de parler de sexe qui seront aussi amusantes que l'acte.
*grignotines gratuites servies sur place
*ASL disponible

Où? Venus Envy Ottawa, 320 rue Lisgar

Mardi, le 1er février 2011 :
19h à 21h
Voulus: les incapacités comprises comme étant brûlantes et excitantes / Loree Erickson
Loree Erickson se définie comme une académique "poly queer femmegimp pornstar" et entame présentement son doctorat à York University. Son travail est une synthèse de l'engagement théorique et de création artistique critique, tous deux relevant d'une motivation personnelle et d'idéaux d'activiste. Loree veut qu'on remplace la contemplation, fixation, et regard curieux envers les gens ayant des incapacités, et qu'on les voient plutôt comme les pétards qu'ils/elles sont!

*grignotines gratuites servies sur place
*ASL disponible
* limite de 30 personnes, pré-enregistrement requis
* service de garde disponible avec 24 heures de préavis

Où? Salle des clubs de l'Université d'Ottawa UCU 030B

Mercredi, le 2 février 2011:
Midi à 14h
Consentement, dissidence et résistance: déconstruction du discours par rapport au consentement / Panel de discussion
Démonstration des intersections de la résistance sur campus, le discours académique par rapport au consentement, déclaration obligatoire du VIH, droits des travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe, consentement lors de relations allosexuelles, violence sexuelle et perspective des jeunes du discours entourant le consentement.

*repas léger
*ASL disponible
* service de garde disponible avec 24 heures de préavis

Où? Salle des clubs de l'Université d'Ottawa UCU 030B

19h à 21h
Érotisme et consentement / Andrea Zanin

Andrea Zanin, sob. Sex Geek, parle ou écrit à propos du sexe à peu près tout le temps, à moins qu'elle soit en train de manger, dormir, ou en train de le faire. Elle réside à Toronto et est organisatrice, éducatrice et écrivaine pour les communautés allosexuelles, polyamoureuses, BDSM/cuir, et s'identifie aussi comme alliée envers les personnes transidentifiées. Elle offre régulièrement des présentations sur une sexualité alternative aux universités, collèges, organismes communautaires et conférences au Canada, au États-Unis, et au niveau international.

*grignotines gratuites servies sur place
*ASL disponible
* service de garde disponible avec 24 heures de préavis
Où? Université Carleton - salle Leeds 124

Jeudi, le 3 février 2011

11h30 à 14h30
Groupe de travail sur la violence axée sur le genre / Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre


*ASL disponible
* service de garde disponible avec 24 heures de préavis
Où? Atrium de l'Université Carleton

18h à 20h
Le consentement en pratique- pour une sexualité épanouie! Centre de la fierté
(en francais)

Le Centre de la fierté dit que le consentement doit être poche, banal ou ennuyant? Venez pratiquer quelques techniques de discussion qui vous aideront à prendre charge de votre sexualité et exprimer vos désirs charnels dans cet atelier amusant qui vise l'affirmation de la sexualité de tous!

*grignotines gratuites servies sur place
*LSQ disponible
* service de garde disponible avec 24 heures de préavis

Où? Salle des clubs de l'Université d'Ottawa UCU 030B
Contact Person:

Vendredi, le 4 février 2011:
13h à 15h
Travail du sexe, consentement et le discours pro-choix / Atelier POWER (acr. tr.: prostitué.e.s d'Ottawa/Gatineau travaillent, éduquent et résistent)

Cet atelier vise à adresser la problématique du consentement dans un contexte de travail du sexe par l'entremis d'approches variées. Bien que cette discussion visera à accommoder les goûts des participants, quelques sujets incluront: le consentement en contexte de marginalisation, la criminalisation et stigmatisation, et la façpn dont les discours féministes de travail du sexe en tant que viol influencent les idées proéminentes face au travail du sexe; le consentement et les relations client-escorte ; et le consentement chez les travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe hors du milieu de travail. Ceux qui feront l'animation de l'atelier sont impliqués dans le travail du sexe et se serviront d'expériences personnelles et de leurs connaissances théoriques issues de recherche lors de la discussion.

*repas léger
*ASL disponible
*service de garde disponible avec 24 heures de préavis

Où? Salle des clubs de l'Université d'Ottawa UCU 030B

Contact Person:

Samedi, le 5 février 2011
GETTING OFF! Nuit Erotique/Consensuelle.

- Consexualite et consensualite!
- Celebration du diversite du schema corporel!
- Riot Grrl Burleque
- Art erotique
- Poesie et literature erotique
- partie de danse consensuelle :)
- bienvenue: allosexuelle et transfanatique! (a tous!)
- structure opposante a l'oppression!

avec: DJ Mikkipedia & DJ yalla!yalla!

Portes: 21h

Où? Club SAW, 67 rue Nicholas, Ottawa
Coût: don suggéré de 10$ (19 ans +)


Merci bien!


Need to contact one of the organizers?
JoAnne Gordon: 613-219-4795 (WRC)
Michelle Blackburn: 613-795-8078 (CoalitionforCarleton)

Coalition for a Carleton Sexual Assault Centre
Blog -- Twitter -- Facebook
Support Line: 613-620-1030